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Writer's pictureMike Knoedl


Good morning,

I'm hoping everyone has enjoyed a good week. We have been fortunate the week to avoid several severe damaging storms surrounding us. Please pray for those around Hot Springs and across the United States hit by tornados. It has been a devastating week for many.

I'm happy to report for once things have not been as hectic as usual. Sergeant Ables is attending training this week and will finish up on Friday. Training has been something I am committed to with all of the employees here. I want everyone to continue advanced training as opportunities arise. This will allow us to better serve you in any type of situation we may encounter.

Mr. Rucker took a much-needed vacation this past week. We have kept his crew busy around the Detention facility this week doing general maintenance. With that said, please do not throw your trash out of the window of your vehicle!! I continue to see food items discarded in the middle of our highways/ditches. If caught, you are looking at a $1000.00 ticket. Take some pride in yourself and our communities and throw your trash in a dumpster! They are placed all around our county for that sole purpose.

Time for Felony Friday!

David, Helen, of Fordyce, Holding for Court

Tucker, Franklin, of Bearden, Contempt of Court

Ross, Marvin Lewis Jr., of Fordyce, Driving While License Cancelled, Suspended, or Revoked

Baber, Patrick, of Fordyce, FPD Driving While License Cancelled, Suspended, or Revoked

McCoy, Dangelo, of Warren, FPD, Failure to Appear Misdemeanor

Jackson, Melanie, of Camden, FPD, Failure to Appear Misdemeanor

Ivey, Christopher, of Malvern, Arrested by Hot Spring County

Gardea, Israel Ireno, of Malvern, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug


Caldwell, Constance, of Fordyce, FPD Fleeing, Driving While License Cancelled, Suspended, or Revoked, Careless and Prohibited Driving, Resisting Arrest, Seat Belt Use Required, Operation of Vehicle Without License Plates

Spencer, Patrick, of Camden, Failure to Appear Misdemeanor

Tatum, Aaron, of Fordyce, Rape

Rogers, Dollie, of Fordyce, FPD Failure to Appear Misdemeanor

Sanders, Christopher, of Fordyce, FPD Driving While License Cancelled, Suspended, or Revoked

Hagler, Emmanuel, of Hampton, FPD Disorderly Conduct, Domestic Battering 3rd Degree, Fleeing, Obstructing Governmental Operations, Burglary, Terroristic Threatening 1st Degree

Cross, Nicole, of Fort Smith, FPD Public Intoxication-Drinking in Public

God Bless

Sheriff Mike Knoedl

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