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Writer's pictureMike Knoedl


Good morning,

I hope everyone has had a good week!

I want to begin by recognizing law enforcement officer week. Major Foster and I attended a Memorial for fallen officers in Little Rock last Monday. In 2021 there were 5 law enforcement line-of-duty deaths. In 2022 there was 6 line- of -duty deaths in Arkansas alone. Fortunately, Arkansas has not had any line-of-duty deaths in 2023. It was police week in Washington DC where these fallen officers were recognized and their names placed on the memorial wall, along with a candlelight service. Unfortunately, I have had to knock on the door and tell spouses/children that their husbands/fathers were killed in the line of duty. This is by far one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do in my law enforcement career. So, please, the next time you're frustrated because you may have been stopped or have to deal with law enforcement, please remember these brave men and women who put their lives on the line each day for us. They never know when they leave home each day if they will return. I ask you to continue to pray for our law enforcement community.

Now, moving on to business this week. As I reported earlier last week, we assisted Fordyce Police Department with two separate shooting incidents last Sunday evening. One of these incidents involved a victim that was shot twice. I'm happy to report the victim may be released today from UAMS after undergoing extensive surgery to save his life. The shooter was located and arrested within three hours of the initial call. The suspect remains in jail under a $250,000.00 bond. The second incident remains under investigation with several people being interviewed. Luckily, the second incident only resulted in a vehicle being struck by gunfire. I'm begging the community to immediately report any suspicious activity involving firearms. It's just a matter of time before some innocent bystander is hurt or killed by this reckless activity. Before anyone decides to participate in this senseless violence, please know you will change lives forever when you pull the trigger. This is NOT the way to settle disputes!!

We had a busy week in circuit court as well. The following people were sentenced to the Arkansas Department of Corrections.

* Matthew Golden - 3 years in the DOC for possession of a firearm by certain persons. (Felon)

* Jordan Greene - 10 years in the DOC for 3 counts of criminal mischief. (This involved the destruction and theft of an ATM from Fordyce Bank & Trust)

* Chekehl Reynolds - Sentenced to the alternative sentencing program. (ASP) If they complete this program their sentence will be reduced.

* Dantaris Cooper - Sentenced to the ASP program

Also, last week Deputy Jordan Ables made an arrest involving several firearms and drugs.

* Jarrod Flint - Charged with one count of possession of methamphetamine and one count of possession of ecstasy. One count of simultaneous possession of firearms with drugs. (See photo) Some more guns taken off our streets.

Mr. Rucker and his crew picked up trash starting at Highway 128 & 207 to the Ouachita community, then from Highway 7 at the Ouachita community to the county line going south. Limb removal was completed on county roads 120 and 107. His crew is currently mowing all of the grass here at the Sheriff's Office. All of this work is completed by inmate labor thus saving our taxpayers money.

Deputies will be out working the click it or ticket program beginning May 22 through June 4th. Be sure and buckle up before driving!

God Bless,

Sheriff Mike Knoedl

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