Just a quick note as we end 2024.
I want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is your best year yet.
Thank you for all the encouragement and support you have given me throughout this year.
I want to take another opportunity to remind everyone to be safe on the roads tonight. There will be people who don't care about their safety or yours. They will drink and drive. Some will not know their limits or think they are not impaired enough to hand their keys over to someone else.
There will be those who think they are above the law. There will be those who will find out the hard way that they are wrong.
Please, think of your loved ones. At the very least, you run the chance of visiting our detention center and/or paying a fine. We will have no tolerance for Driving Under the Influence. That is the least that could happen. The worst would be if you caused injury or death.
It's so easy to avoid these problems. If you are out and want to drink pick a designated driver, call someone to pick you up or stay where you are until you are sober enough to drive. Any of these choices will assure you that you can make it home safely later.
Don't forget your black-eyed peas, hog jowl, and cabbage tomorrow.
Please stay safe! Happy New Year!
God Bless,
Sheriff Mike Knoedl