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Writer's pictureMike Knoedl


Good afternoon,

I hope everyone is doing well this week.

This has been a tough week, to say the least. I'm beginning by asking everyone to keep the Stanfield/Young Families in your thoughts and prayers after the tragic loss of their daughter, Shelby. If you didn't know her, you truly missed out on an amazing young lady. I never saw her without a smile on her face and she never met a stranger. She was a true blessing to everyone she came into contact with. This became evident with the number of people that turned out to celebrate her life. Her family and friends are going to need everyone's support in the long term. My heart breaks for them.

Moving on to business at the Sheriff's Department. We are currently working on a cold case that occurred in 2019. Hopefully, I will be able to report in more detail at a later date. The Arkansas State Police will be administering a polygraph test this afternoon to assist us in moving forward. As time allows, we are working to close some of these cold cases in order to bring closure to the victims' families. I want to say thank you to Special Agents with the Arkansas State Police for their assistance. While I won't mention them by name, they bring resources and expertise to us that we simply don't have. I have worked closely with these two agents for over 25 years and they're good at what they do.

We are constantly working to curtail the drug issues that plague our county. Most of the drug issues we face here can be directly related to a lot of the crimes that occur such as burglary/theft, domestic violence, and many other violent crimes. I will repeat myself once again, if you want to sell/use drugs in our county WE WILL eventually meet! I have fielded some comments on this page that think we're not doing enough to help people that are on drugs. I have firmly stated before, people that who are using drugs have to want help before we can address their problem. I have personally assisted several people in entering rehab since becoming Sheriff. I will continue to do that as long as I'm in office. Some I have helped are doing well, some are not. I am starting a program where inmates have the opportunity to learn how to write a resume, complete their GED's, and the proper ways to manage their money after release.

Mr. Rucker and his crew spent most of the week mowing grass at the Senior Citizens, OEM 911 building, and the jail. They picked up trash on Highway 273 to Dallas CR 131. His crew will finish litter pickup from Dallas CR 131 to Highway 9 today.

Moving on to Felony Friday!

*Calvin Ford - Violation of conditions of parole

* Jeremiah Glasper - Furnishing, Possessing prohibited articles

* Stephanie Wittamore - Furnishing, Possessing prohibited articles

* Melissa Russel - Furnishing, Possessing prohibited articles

* Patrick Babar - Driving on suspended DL

* Arnisha Clary - Fail to Appear (Misdemeanor)

* Warsaw Williams - Possession of Controlled Substance (FPD)

God Bless,

Sheriff Mike Knoedl

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